Fridge Pal

Fridge Pal





Fridge Pal Fridge Pal Fridge Pal Fridge Pal

【Fridge Pal】

Shopping Lists. Expiry Date Tracker. Barcode Scanner. Home Inventory. Recipes.

Fridge Pal is the best tool to help you shop for groceries, use them before they go bad and plan what your next meal is going to be.

Filled with tons of features and stunning graphics it's also extremely easy to use.

"This is the best app ever!!!!! This is just what I was looking for and with the recipes it's a very big help when you don't have enough time to think of what's for dinner."

"This app is fantastic. It saves me so much money when I go shopping and helps me plan meals because I know what I have in my cupboard that needs using. It helps to prevent throwing food etc away because you forgot you had it. I love love love this app."

"Great app - Simple to use without lots of confusing decision to make."

"Love this App! - Has everything I need to be organized in my kitchen. I use it for other things I need to keep up with also. I don't think you can go wrong with this app! Keep up the good work!"


* SHOPPING LISTS - Multiple shopping lists to keep track of where you need to buy ingredients

* SYNC - Syncing in real time between as many iPhones/iPads as you want, great for always knowing what your family needs to buy

* LOCATIONS - Add locations to shopping lists to get reminders when you enter a store AND when you leave (so no more getting home and realizing you forgot something)

* EXPIRY DATE TRACKING - When you get home from shopping you can add items in using the barcode scanner and record their expiry dates. Never waste food again

* BARCODE SCANNER - Entering items manually would be time consuming so instead you can simply scan the barcode to speed things up

* HOME INVENTORY - As well as keeping on top of expiry dates it's really handy to know what you have at home even when you're out shopping. Perfect if you have a cottage or large cupboards so you know what you need to get at all times.

* RECIPE SEARCH - Once you get a reminder that something is expiring soon, how nice would it be to let the app help suggest what to make with it? Tap as many ingredients as you want to use and Fridge Pal will suggest recipes that use them together

* EXPORT/DROPBOX - Do you want to get your data out of the app? We support dropbox so you can export your data and access it from wherever you have a computer. Great for making spreadsheets or using the data however you want.

* MEAL PLANNER - Don't just look up recipes, plan when you want to make them. Perfect for organizing when you need to go shopping.

The average household will waste 25% of the food it buys and this adds up to over $1000 a year. As well as saving money you'll be helping reduce food waste which is good for both the pocket book and the environment.

We really hope you like the app and if there's anything we can add to make it any better please send us an email to let us know.【更新日志】
Long overdue update - fixes crash when selecting the category of an item
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